who is dr charlie ward

President Kennedy attempted to initiate NESARA by shutting down the Fed. In this way, Q Alerts us to what we need to know and misdirects the Deep State just enough. In this capacity as a money-mover Charlie has met all sorts of higher-ups. Its all about the puzzle pieces. r/QAnonCasualties on Reddit: Who is Charlie Ward? I just saw an interview with him and Mel K and Mel asked Charlie how closed are they on the financial sector and his typical . Dr. Charlie Ward is well-recognized as an author as well as a businessman. Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Charlie Ward to the Tallahassee Mirrors: https://odysee.com/@stpierrs:f/What%27s-REALLY-in-the-fake-%27vaccinesformer-FEMA-employee-Celeste-Solum-talks-with-David-Icke:f?r=BiDB2NT39Z4WaqimHMu29QQqUBnxFXqA ps..don't forget to buy his silver and his book on your way out. One would think such info would be free to all patriots. Two deaths were among those who got the vaccine; the rest had received a placebo. When the Dragon Bonds were valued 6-weeks ago they were estimated in the multi-quadrillions. They all died within 7 days of having it.". Charlie ward was born on the 8th June 1960 in England Ipswich. Secondly, there is no evidence to support the claim that 100 people died during a trial of any COVID-19 vaccine. Charlie Ward Shares What "The Kraken" Actually Is - The ThriveTime Show At minute 57, whos the guy with the beard (as radio announcer)? 24 talking about this. There is hope as ex-QAnon stories and r/ReQovery shows. Cant stand them. by N.Morgan. Tweet A prominent source has divulged that truther Dr. Charlie Ward has been killed by infiltrators within the White Hat community, and that Simon Parkes has been arrested and taken to Guantanamo Bay. I decided in my late 20s to challenge it the British Government said its not brainwashing its indoctrination, which is exactly the same except with a posh name, 1:01 Its a bit like Donald Trump using the word Fake News when we know its Propaganda currently its very interesting about the Mainstream Media complete and utter brainwashing about the coronavirus, 1:18 Now they take their advice, the British Government and the American Government from a guy at the Imperial College London, Professor Neil Ferguson a specialist in his field., 1:40 He told both American and British Authorities that the expected death rate would be around 2.2 MILLION in America and 500k in the U.K. from the coronavirus the governments made their decision based on that, 2:05 The other day another specialist decided to challenge that suddenly Professor Neil Ferguson completely CHANGED HIS PROJECTION probably only 20k in the U.K. and probably 10k will die of Natural Causes anyway so only 10k will die of coronavirus which is less than people dying from influenza in the last couple of years, 3:00 What is very interesting is that Ferguson downgraded these projections 2 days ago and there is absolutely NO MENTION BY THE MEDIA AT ALL about this, 3:49 Since I grew up I was told that the End of the World would be 100% coming before the year 2000 I didnt need to study at school didnt need to do all these things this was the Plymouth Brethrens Teaching which I grew up in, 4:10 When I was 23, having had an arranged marriage from the age of 19 by the age of 23 I had 3 children thats their way of keeping you in reproductive but I started to challenge them and when I started to challenge them and came out of the religion my family completely disowned me from that day to this, 4:23 But you start to challenge things rather than taking things they say for granted and then finding out years down the line it was all a load of BS, 4:35 And as Ive said before, If it looks like sh*t and it smells like sh*t it probably is sh*t, 4:42 And at this moment in time the Media theyre all sponsored by the same people theyve all got the same stuff now youre locked in your houses why dont you start doing a bit of research and going outside the box, 4:58 And youll start to find out stuff and Ive got people watching my little updates with humor and just saying where do you get this information from? and Ive shown it to them, Its interesting. which has gone on since Time Began and its been absolutely rife for the last 30 to 50 years, We know how much it costs to get certain people into power in certain countries to guarantee that position so thats where I came in learning about that side of it so I can tell you first-hand that it happened because I was involved in it, "Charlie Ward and Tara: Theres So Much Wealth for all of us" by Kat - 8.27.20. As a side note to this Charlie Ward video, its disturbing at the end when he says, Jesus loves you. The way he says it, it feels like hes mocking us. Explaining Conspiracy In the 2020 US Elections, about 10. Hey Mandy, havent seen it yet, was wondering about that. let me know, any reasons Ive missed? In a very important video with Robert David Steele on 8-7-20, Charlie described the DUMBs because he had personally been inside two of them. A famous name in the business world, Dr. Charlie Ward. As days go by, more and more Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes videos have comments disabled. Cultism, New Age, False Prophets & Truth in US Election Fraud, 20. Posted on December 8, 2021. https://intothelight.news/files/2020-08-25-charlie-ward.php. Charlie Ward Mental March 2021 Update Video NOTHING HAPPENED. About Dr. Charlie Ward. They stash it in massive blocks of cash, gold, diamonds, silver, properties, other valuables, etc. Welcome. Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes fake? Trust the Plan - Rotter Dr. Charlie Ward - What's Up? Media Forces Flee Anunnaki In Syria October 17, 2019 Source: Twisted Truth | By Michael Baxter [OpDis Editor Note: This means Trump Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis Elites fighting desperately against Global Slave Revolt April 13, 2020 By Benjamin Fulford The NESARA / GESARA - A Law that would change our lives! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. However, many others are increasing day by day as they are updated worldwide. This guy is after attention, and that's all. They discuss together and individually, the top secret intel of the week. The coronavirus is BS and theres much else happening behind-the-scenes. Press Esc to cancel. Charlie Ward - Heisman Its pretty easy to identify a con artist when you watch his videos, body language, facial expressions, incomplete answers, skirting around the issue like a slimy used car salesman and voice inflection. Simon Parkes With Dr. Charlie Ward Update: We Are in the Middle of a Bio Weapon Genocide (Video) Monday, October 11, 2021 9:09 % of readers think this story is Fact. Of course, Dr. Charlie Ward is a married man, and the name of his wife Nursel who is originally from Turkey. I think he is more of a deluded /crazy guy. God bless you Q, POTUS and the Alliance. Charlie Ward - Wikipedia The truth is, Charlie Ward isn't a doctor and he admits this. One very important story in Charlies life is about his daughter. Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021, Evil UNMASKED!! Remember this, Donald Trump, Charlie Ward, Simon Parks and Mel K told all of us, you are watching a show. A video shared over 2,300 times on Facebook includes false information about COVID-19 vaccines, such as a suggestion that that one hundred volunteers died following a clinical trial. Hes been saying this for the last two months! His message was, Dont worry. Conversations with Jeff Weeks | Charlie Ward | PBS He added Dr. to his name to get out of a parking ticket years ago and it worked; the title has stuck since that day. Dr. Charlie Ward - Our Great Awakening Dr. Charlie Ward, Who Is He? Biography, Age, Wiki, and Net Worth! The Wisdom of Circumspection, Evil UNMASKED!! Invalid Assumptions, about US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! Its obvious hes had this same behavior his entire life. Also, he has a total of four grandchildren. So I spoke on here recently about how my black mum (we are from ths UK btw) has been sucked in to qanon and other peripheral conspiracies. and then blow them up so theyll never be used again. You gotta know theyre naughty boys as well. It began with some of his wealthier guests who asked him if he could get some of their cash to a different country. Hence, he is of British nationality. Charles Ward - Wikipedia You saying they lie is old news. Exposing Secrets, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! I watched a video that he did with another man named Charlie Freak but I couldn't listen to very much. Charlie Ward Complaints | Scambook The Chinese Dragon family, who were never Communist Chinese but are descended from the Himalayan line, are funding this entire Global transition. From there, we have found out that he was born and raised in Plymouth, England. This article will address the main statements made by the speaker, which have been shared and repeated by other Facebook users (here). We The People vs Deception & the 1871 Theft, Evil UNMASKED!! (Partially Transcribed by Kat), Who is Charlie Ward and Who are the Alliance? You elude to things bad on your video. Thats my take anyway. He's literally a salesman, and unfortunately a good one at that. He was placed in an arranged marriage at the age of 18 and had 3 children by the time he was 23. Stolen Intellectual Property. Now she's watching videos from Charlie Ward, some middle aged English bloke who lives in Spain who apparently receives intel from the US Army and Secret service - which makes absolute sense of course. She was Valedictorian of her high school graduating class. The Politics of [US] Corruption/Conspiracy, 15. Be civil to posters and about their Q folk. Epilogue, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Charlie always has great deals available for the purchase of silver, along with info on how you can buy his books and membership to his site. But I fear my mother would just say thats the deep state lies. Charlie Ward Ward, of Tallahassee, is a former professional basketball player and the current Head Coach of Florida State University Schools' "Florida High" boys basketball team. Anyone else? We have learned far more about what is truly going on from Charlie Ward than from anyone else. We all want the Deep State and Shadow government destroyed. Indeed. I wouldnt touch him with a bargepole and now give him a wide berth. That sounds like the definition of a Goddess to me.) Good Using Evil: Juan OSavin, about Evil UNMASKED!! I'm really excited to share with you an amazing interview I had last week with Dr. Charlie Ward about what is going on behind the scenes and the mass awakening of humanity globally.Please share far and wide. everything is prepared the last and most important piece from the trb system! Beware of False Prophets in Sheep's Clothing - Dr. Rich Swier (Partially Transcribed by Kat), https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RAWbUN9Gy4A/X0xzYgqnyZI/AAAAAAABFkY/CQNrvXV8Mowc7it-d-VT5qNwfUl_AvWbACLcBGAsYHQ/s640/White%2BKnight.gif, https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RAWbUN9Gy4A/X0xzYgqnyZI/AAAAAAABFkY/CQNrvXV8Mowc7it-d-VT5qNwfUl_AvWbACLcBGAsYHQ/s72-c/White%2BKnight.gif, https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/08/who-is-charlie-ward-and-who-are.html, https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/. This is what Ive managed to piece together about Charlies life, from his own words. Im on it with my transcribing and promise, CH, I will stay on it until we dont need them anymore. Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes are frauds. Its all going to be OK. Were moving into a far far better world. Bless you, Charlie. A Living Christ Challenges, about Evil UNMASKED!! They hacked into his database and stole information, reported that information as their own. Charlie said when he began to challenge their message, he was promptly cut off from the cult and his family. In a recent video, Simon Parkes posted he was upset that truth seekers were using his videos under false accounts. Dr. Charlie Ward, the author of I'm Just Charlie has been currently running his own business which is to move physical currency for celebrities worldwide. He never talks about that time of his life anymore. Cover-up, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! It takes meticulous planning not only for efficiency but for safety. Evil UNMASKED!! IDIOTS! When Charlie spoke with the Police he told them, Youd better catch him before me because if I catch him first Ill kill him., The Police told Charlie, If you do that youll spend the rest of your life in jail., Charlie replied, I have absolutely no problem with that.. 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox because all the teams I use to move money for me were hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure. Adam & James and the Banks. Logic & Experience Support US Conspiracy, 14. I would also assume that the deep state knows MOST of what the Q army knows, and therefore, we would be a valuable way to confuse, distract or relay 100% of the info we are given over and over to each other. ! His autobiography, The C. M. Ward Story, was published in 1976. I'm just on the idea that she has to somehow realise that what she's watching is bullshit. Important Announcement: Operation Disclosure's URL has moved back to the original URL. Dr Charlie Ward - Telegram All vaccines are tested rigorously to ensure their safety and the coronavirus vaccines are no different. Ward margin of victory was a massive 1,622 points, second at the time only to O.J. I just saw an interview with him and Mel K and Mel asked Charlie how closed are they on the financial sector and his typical response was very close. I just love that. Ward was an exceptional football player as well, winning the Heisman Trophy, Davey O'Brien Award, and College Football National Championship while quarterbacking the Florida State Seminoles.Despite his college football success, he was not drafted to the NFL, opting instead to play in the National . Charlie Ward Hints Next 90 Days JFK Jr. Total - Robert David Steele Trump launched WW3 from the day He was elected in 2016. Ive spent a few months transcribing the horrors that the courageous and very brave Global Militaries are uncovering in these DUMBs when they first go in to save the children and women who have been Trafficked. Explaining what Sidney Powell meant when she said, "Release the Kraken," while exposing the tech-enabled mass-scale medical and election fraud being financed and organized by George Soros, Bill Gates, China, Harvard's . I have always been able to read people very well. Who is 'Dr.' Charlie Ward? - Quora Dr. Charlie Ward Net Worth Today: Bio, Wiki, Age, Videos and Wife The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! A list of the COVID-19 candidate vaccines and their developers can be seen here . Charlie Wards optimism and calm is infectious. Fact check: Video contains false claims about COVID-19 vaccine The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has committed millions in funding to develop COVID-19 vaccines and assist their distribution (here), but it is not creating its own. Leave them in the comments , Jus Tis channel: https://youtube.com/c/JustTis, High Impact Flix channel: https://youtube.com/c/HighImpactFlixO, FOR GRAPHIC AND WEBSITE DESIGN [emailprotected]. Ward has an overall net worth of $ 1 million to $ 5 million approximately. All Rights Reserved. I do not believe Charlie or Simon. This is not my information. The Politics of [US] Corruption/Conspiracy, about 15. I have to add my mother is still of sound mind. Understanding Global Geopolitics, Evil UNMASKED!! Charlie also said that he moves money to various countries to make sure elections go the way the elite want them to go. Today Thurs. WATCH NOW: Follow Charlie on Telegram. I couldn't agree more about Charlie Ward. Dr. Charlie Ward, the author ofIm Just Charliehas been currently running his own business which is to move physical currency for celebrities worldwide. Video is found on Beforeitsnews.com May 16 2021. Regardless of what you believe, the 1,000 view says there is much corruption in the world playing out right in front of our eyes; more now so than ever. He admits it. trb membership booster - the key of the success! They areHugo,Alexandro,Lee, andHartley. He wrote his autobiography. Previously, he used to work in a hotel where he held ownership for over 30 years. He is not just a father and grandfatherhe is a devoted parent and grandparent. Charlie Ward Dr Fraud - YouTube The service that these three people have given all of us in WWIII will long be remembered. 24.3k Followers, 1,281 Following, 903 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Charlie Ward (@charliewardofficial) Stretching the Rules, about Media Release I Fed the Baby Confession & Motives in the Crewe Murders Cold Case, about IFTB 19: It Didnt Start Yesterday, Open Letter: Nicholas Veniamin QFS Ponzi Scheme, Hopium, Fear Porn & Vaccine Frauds Explained, More from Karen Ngatai: Taumarunuis Non-lawyer, Treasuring British Traditions A Cultural Difference, Meurant, Booth & de Sturler on the Crewes, 36. Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia, about Evil UNMASKED!! This can be analyzed from a million ways. Your in a Movie. Analysing Military-based Conspiracy Information, about 12. Charlie Wards son Glenn exposed his father as a fraud. Charlie Ward, a well-known business man from Marbella, and Nursel Ward got married in Barbados on February 20, 2016. Unfortunately, I can no longer open the video and . I know, his expertise is borrowed, so to speak. 46:14. Tried again to pose as a Nigerian Customs Officer over email, but it was easy to tell he was not. In these videos, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes say the Deep State war is being cleaned up. Charlie Ward, Jaco, Mel K, Parkes, O Savin, all shills!!!! He also reveals that other major truthers are now being targeted including Mel K and Juan O Savin. Only a few know the exact truth and its not Charlie Ward or any other utuber. Wisdom Applied to the US Election Conspiracy, 19. Introduction, about 3. She still believes Biden was the fake president and that there were signs from Trump and all that. A key British YouTube influencer is Charlie Ward, who lives in Spain and began uploading QAnon-themed videos during lockdown. Hutton, Head of the Snake, about The 2014 Crewe Investigation Review. And this is all being put into motion by the Chinese Elders. He works with many Security teams that do the actual physical moving of the cash and he is the one who makes the plan on where/how theyll move it. Log in, EVIL UNMASKED!! You'll be safe but stay out of the streets. The Charlie Ward Show Charlie Ward (born 1970), American professional basketball player, Heisman trophy winner Charlie Ward (golfer) (1911-2001), English professional golfer Charlie Ward (footballer) (born 1995), British footballer Charlie Ward (fighter), Irish MMA fighter Charles Ward, British co-founder of Rockfield Studios See also [ edit] Victory to the Light. The speakers claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is being used for population reduction is not supported by evidence. Dr. Charlie Ward, Who Is He? Fessing & Speaking Up, about Evil UNMASKED!! I never liked this guy. Could be longer. Book Reviews: Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & the Deep State, 16. Simon Parkes talks about President Trumps speech at CPAC from feb 28, 2021. My name is Anila. While older clips about his personal life received barely any. Grandfather of 4 Father of 4 and Husband Political Complexities Muddy the Binary Waters, 11. IDIOTS! The truth is, Charlie Ward isnt a doctor and he admits this. Im not saying its right Im not saying its wrong but have a look at it, 5:15 Its like if you look at the Burges Khalifa as an example, where I work in the Middle East, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burj_Khalifa, 5:21 If you look at the Burj Khalifa from one side in the sunlight it looks completely different to when you look at it from the other side in the shade but its the same building but its very important to have a look from every angle and aspect and see what is actually going on, 5:41 One things for sure THEYRE NOT TELLING US THE TRUTH 1 million % theyre not, 5:49 But what are they doing behind the scenes? Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021, about Evil UNMASKED!! Anybody got intel on Dr Charlie Ward or Simon Parkes? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'millionsofcelebs_com-box-4','ezslot_4',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-box-4-0');Talking more about Wardsfamily, he now has a total of four children. Cheers. Website Support publisher RSS ATOM JSON About Stats SUBSCRIBE NOW TO CHARLIE WARDS FREE NEWSLETTER https://drcharlieward.com Recent uploads 00:23 Must Watch This 54 views a month ago 00:26 Old wrinkly evil looking turd Millions of people are looking forward to the arrests and executions of famous people and The Deep State. A Living Christ Challenges, Evil UNMASKED!! Ward received more than 50 awards, including being Central Bible . Begin typing your search above and press return to search. Reuters reported in October that a volunteer in AstraZenecas coronavirus vaccine trial had died, but added that the trial would continue (here). Posted On: 12/29/2014. NO WAY THE MILITARY WILL GIVE INTEL TO ANYONE PERIOD RE TAKE DOWN. All Rights Reserved. For me, Charlie himself is priceless. I dont even try to debate her anymore. Well i am mostly with you Steve. about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Revenge Belies Biblical Teaching, Evil UNMASKED!! Charlie Ward sounds like many of us, but, to many, there is something off. I am a writer and I love to gather interesting stories and write about them. But Churchill knew what was coming and when he was called, he was ready. But, before Charlie became an online sensation, he had a whirlwind 60 years on the planet that saw him go from being a humble English kid brought up in bizarre religious cult in the 1960s to being an international financier and mover of money for the World's governments. My 86 year old mother. X22 Report: Scavino Message Confirmed, The Public Will Know Soon, [DS] Failed, Next Phase Coming And We Know: COLONEL drops TRUTH b@mbs, Biden embarrassment, Pfiz#r exposed! Thoughts on Dr Charlie Ward? : r/conspiracy - reddit I think after following him for years, he is a bit crazy like a cult leader. There is something off about Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes videos. That sounds like the definition of a Goddess to me. PRAY! Its not like little kids crawling through a tunnel. For those of you who dont know I grew up, from birth, in a religious cult, which I came out of when I was 23 years old. I know that, and I also know this is 1 giant stall just to get us all on the same side and get through the next Election so we can win back all we have lost to the so called left. Conman & Hypocrite, Paul Bolte, about Evil UNMASKED!! He lives with his Turkish wife and their young son, Justin. I have known the Chinese Dragon family for more than 15 years. What's behind the rise of QAnon in the UK? - BBC News I am part of the team that is moving gold, cash and valuables around the world for the US Govt to back the currencies for the Revaluation (RV) and Global Currency Reset (GCR). . Supposedly $200-$250 that will be worth many millions after we are all back on the gold standard. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So if they live in Dubai for instance, and want to buy a house in London, they hire Charlie to move some of their cash to England for the purchase. This can include posts with support, info or practical advice. At one point they said that children these days can't even go out and play because the risk of being kidnapped is 75%. Bless your hearts for forwarding them all over the globe. According to Charlie Ward, March 2021 will be a crazy month with deep state arrests and truth coming out soon. Charlie Ward and Amelia Happiness Guru: QFS, Gold, Silver, GESARA by The Pope was arrested in March 2020 because some of my Security Team was watching him. However, in recent months, Dr. Charlie Ward has gotten much attention from his Facebook updates, Instagram posts, Twitter, and YouTube channel with thousands of fans and dedicated subscribers. The games the elite are playing with us have taken a dangerous turn. None of what you are hearing is real. He always wins!! about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Not even the Whitehouse is real. Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Alliance - saintandrewstwinflame about Evil UNMASKED!! 202318 00:57. Charlie Ward currently resides in Marbella, Spain. Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward have special memberships available for purchase for truth seekers. He was raised in the Christian Plymouth Brethren religious cult. He is no more a doctor than my cat. I would put it at 75% True, 25% intentionally misleading. I went on his videos and I couldn't even watch one minute. How could any one fall for this utter rubbish? When he got a parking ticket in the UK. Charlie Ward and Nursel Ward Source: Facebook. Thanks to Bluwolf. They had to remain in hiding for their safety and so they could put their plan together and now we are witnessing this genius plan in action. But with every defeat, The Alliance regrouped, learned and grew stronger until they became invincible. Dr Charlie Ward .com (Feb) Who Is Dr. Charlie? That was just one of many defeats delivered by the deep state. Charlie Ward | UGETube Firstly, there is not an experimental COVID-19 vaccine that is referred to as the Gates vaccine. They were motivated by the Truth & because they loved their country. Partially Transcribed by Kat 7:18 Charlie Ward: They've actually been planning this [collapsing the economy] for 8-10 years strategically it's incredibly well-planned the people who planned it are absolutely brilliant at what they do they actually had to shift the dates around it 7:35 Where we're at right now they're actually ahead of where they'd expected to be