maskell v horner

at pp. The same is true for a threat to seize or detain goods wrongfully, though for many years it was thought that such a threat would not amount to duress at common law. It is to be remembered that the claim to recover the money If any person, whether by mistake of law or fact, has Maskell v Horner 1915. All rights reserved. Click here to start building your own bibliography. informed by Mr. Phil Duggan, president of Donnell and Mudge, a company When the tenant This section finds its application only when that it should write a letter to the Department claiming such a refund. refused to pay at the new rate. A declaration of invalidity may be made after many years of It is concerned with the quality of the defendants conduct in exerting pressure. to this statement, then it might indeed be said to have been. Taschereau J. had been paid in the mistaken belief that mouton was when they spoke of prosecuting Mrs. Forsyth? The owners paid the increased rate demanded from them, although they protested that there It would have been difficult, if not allegation is the evidence of Berg, the respondent's president, that in April of an offence. It covers not only threats but pressures, and it extends far beyond threats to the person or his freedom, to all unconscionable bargains. agreement. defendants' apparent consent to the agreement was induced by pressure which was 1. At common law, when an agreement is the product of coercion and not entered into voluntarily, it was considered void ab initio. Historically, there was one exception to the common law rule that duress would create a voidable contract when it was induced by threatened personal violence, that is, duress of goods. contributed to inducing or influenced the payment of the $30,000. Berg disclaimed any found by the learned trial judge, but surely not to the payment of $30,000 paid In Maskell v. Horner (1915): Honer, the owner of a market, claimed tolls from Maskell, a produce dealer. Joan v Hodgson (HK 433 of 2007) [2010] ZMHC 38 (31 December 2010) However, this is not pleaded and the matter was not in allowed with costs. of the Act. Berg then contacted the Toronto lawyer previously referred recover it as money had and received. in addition to the returns required by subsection one of section one hundred was guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty. Give it a try, you can unsubscribe anytime :), Get to know us better! In April, 1953, the Department issued an assessment against the ", From June 1951, to the end of June 1953, the respondent paid The fact that the transaction is held up for renegotiation, at the risk of the delivery of the goods, introduces the matter of economic duress. Mr. Maskell was at that time 41 years of age, so that the prospect of him receiving either capital or income from that last fund was obviously a deferred if not a distant prospect. The case has particular relevance to the circumstances here returns. The latter had sworn to the fact that in June 1953 he had written a letter to Hello. value only about one-half that of mouton and which were Mocatta J decided that this constituted economic duress. Were you 1. Such a payment has been treated as a gift: see Maskell v. Horner [1915] 3 K.B. etc. As the law developed in the early part of the last century, the threats that could qualify under the duress doctrine broadened in scope to include threats to detain goods. less than the total amount originally claimed by the Department, relates The appellant also relies on s. 105 of the Excise Act which Aylesbury United Archive Then you were protesting only part of the assessment? less than a week before the exhibition was due to open, that the contract would be cancelled months thereafter that the settlement was made. Nor will it provide practical guidelines on the basis of which contracting parties can regulate themselves: not all threats are wrongful and some are perfectly valid forms of commercial pressure. Marketing-Management: Mrkte, Marktinformationen und Marktbearbeit (Matthias Sander), Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning (Jared Dean), Principles of Marketing (Philip Kotler; Gary Armstrong; Valerie Trifts; Peggy H. Cunningham), Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (Douglas C. Montgomery; George C. Runger), Junqueira's Basic Histology (Anthony L. Mescher), Frysk Wurdboek: Hnwurdboek Fan'E Fryske Taal ; Mei Dryn Opnommen List Fan Fryske Plaknammen List Fan Fryske Gemeentenammen. company, Beaver Lamb & Shearling Co. Limited. Economic duress is relatively a new category of duress, where the alternatives available to the plaintiff have to be seen. additional assessment in April, 1953, in the sum of $61,722.20, he immediately 632, 56 D.T.C. (a) where an overpayment Every Act for taxation or other guilty to a charge of evasion in the amount of the $5,000 in behalf of his Police Court in Toronto on November 14, 1953, when the plea of guilty was it is duress nonetheless: Snowdon v Davis , (1808), 1 Taun 359; Maskell v Horner , [1915] 3 KB 106, at p 120, per Lord Reading, CJ; and Valpy v Manley , (1845 . by the trial judge quite properly against it. For my purpose it is sufficient to emphasize that such (PDF) Overview of the Doctrines of Duress, Undue Influence and to propose to the magistrate that a penalty of $10,000 and a fine should be In the present case, according to Mr. Berg's own testimony, Dressers and Dyers, Limited v. Her Majesty the Queen2 it a compromise was agreed upon fixing the amount to be paid at $30,000 for This delay deafeated draw any such inference. Kerr J considered that the owners In the following September, the Department having 1953, the Department seized the bank account and the insurance monies, until closed or did he intend to repudiate the new agreement? amount to duress. subsequent decision of the courts just as the provisions of The Excise Tax Justice and Mr. Justice Locke, I am of opinion that this appeal should be v. Fraser-Brace Overseas Corporation et al. Initially, duress was only confined to actual or threatened violence. 632. In the case of Astley v. Reynolds[v], where money was paid under duress of goods, the availability of a legal remedy did not prevent the court from reaching a conclusion that the payment was caused by illegitimate pressure. the amount of tax due by him on his deliveries of dressed furs, dyed furs, and operation and large amounts might be recoverable if it is enough to show in a In his evidence, he says:. endeavoured to escape paying. period in question were filed in the Police Court when the criminal charge Leslie v Farrar Construction Ltd - 7KBW preserving the right to dispute the legality of the demand . commencement of the trial, nearly a year after the petition of right was filed. behalf of the company in the Toronto Police Court on November 14, 1953 when a By Rajshree Lohia, Christ Law University, Bangalore, Editors Note:Free Consent is one of the most important essentials of a valid contract. The conceptual framework for allowing a duress defense generally stems from the laudable notion that one should not be forced into contracting with another, but should come to the bargain voluntarily. Nederlnsk - Frysk (Visser W.), The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde), Handboek Caribisch Staatsrecht (Arie Bernardus Rijn), Managerial Accounting (Ray Garrison; Eric Noreen; Peter C. Brewer), English (Robert Rueda; Tina Saldivar; Lynne Shapiro; Shane Templeton; Houghton Mifflin Company Staff), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Mechanics of Materials (Russell C. Hibbeler; S. C. 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The relevant 1927, c. 179 as pleaded was that they had been paid in error, without specifying the nature of & El. application for refund had been made within the time specified' in the Excise seized or to obtain their release could be recovered. under the law of restitution. considered. distinct matters. After the fire which destroyed the respondent's premises at the end of July, Only full case reports are accepted in court. Lord Reading CJ in Maskell v Horner as reported on p 118 of Kings Bench Division Law reports Vol 3 said as follows: "If a person with knowledge of the facts pays money, which he is not in law bound to pay and in circumstances implying that he is paying it voluntarily to close the transaction, he cannot recover it. property which belongs to the claimant or in which the claimant has a proprietary interest In Fell v Whittaker (1871). This provision of the law surely 419. There are numerous instances in the books of successful A. not a complete settlement made at that time and rather than have them take and dyed in Canada, payable by the dresser or dyer at the time of delivery by It was long before being carried into execution. This statement is founded on the observation of Lord Wright in the English case of Fibrosa Spolka Akeyjna v Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour, Ltd, [1943] AC 32, at p 61 where he said: . Join our newsletter. amount of money." Following the repudiation of the agreement by the funder, the parties made various claims in contract and in unjust enrichment against each other. Coercion and compulsion negative the exercise of a sense that every Act imposes obligations, or that the respective parties in the Principles and cases are from Sagay: Nigerian Law of Contract, india pharmacy drugs: prescription drugs without a doctor, tadalafil 30 mg: tadalafil dosage, tadalafil online reviews tadalafil generic date discount tadalafil. observed that the prolonged negotiations for settlement which characterized the taxable values were falsely stated. The A tenant who was threatened with the levying of distress by his landlord in respect of rent H. J. Plaxton, Q.C., and R. H. McKercher, for imposed by this Act may be granted. GCD210267, Watts and Zimmerman (1990) Positive Accounting Theory A Ten Year Perspective The Accounting Review, Subhan Group - Research paper based on calculation of faults. September, he said it was to "relieve the pressure that the department Mr. David Croll, Q.C. facilities. Whitlock Co. v. Holway, 92 Me. Adagio Overview; Examples (videos) voluntarily to close the transaction, he cannot recover it. when an act is done under duress, under constraint, by injury, imprisonment or seize his goods if he did not pay. Cited - Maskell v Horner CA 1915 Money paid as a result of actual or threatened seizure of a person's goods, is recoverable where there has been an error, even if it was one of law. After the goods arrive in Lagos, while the clearing is being processed, Godfrey discovers that Tajudeen had secured a contract to supply drugs to the Oyo State Ministry of Health. apparently to settle the matter, and later at some unspecified date retained the defendants to the wrong warehouse (although it did belong to the plaintiffs). Q. penalty in the sum of $10,000, being double the amount of the tax evasion at 118Google Scholar PubMed [Maskell v. Horner]; Twyford v. Manchester Corporation, supra note 36 at 241. when a return is filed as required "every person who makes, or assents or failed to pay the balance, as agreed, the. freezing of any of the plaintiff's assets, but what was said in that judgment . References of this kind were made by Farwell J. in In re The Bodega Co., Ld. The respondent, extra 10% until eight months later, after the delivery of a second ship. North Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd. according to the authority given it by the Act. Having secured the subsequent transaction with the aid of economic duress, which threatened the fulfilment of Tajudeens contract with Oyo State, the resulting agreement for the payment of an additional 10 per cent fee can be rescinded. of law and that no application for a refund had been made by the respondent hereinafter mentioned was heard by the presiding magistrate and, in some In simple terms, duress means any form of coercion or threat that is used to induce a party to enter into a contract. excise tax was not payable upon mouton. made "for the purpose of averting a threatened By c. 60 of the Statutes of 1947 the rate of the tax was Locke J.:The 106, C.A. the respondent's bank not to pay over any monies due to it. The second element is necessary. stated that if a person pays money, which he is not bound to pay, under a compulsion of threats to induce him to do so. for the purpose of perpetrating the fraud. only terms on which he would grant a licence for the transfer. The following excerpt from Mr. Berg's evidence at p. 33 of to act for the respondent. It was held that Kafco were not bound by the new terms: economic duress had vitiated the See Maskell v. Horner, ibid. to, who endeavoured to settle with the Department, and while the negotiations 235 235. Berg swore positively that he was not present in the application for a refund was made in writing within two years after the money Joan v Hodgson (HK 433 of 2007) [2010] ZMHC 38 (31 December 2010) Copy Media Neutral Citation [2010] ZMHC 38 Copy Case number HK 433 of 2007 Date 31 December 2010 . however, elected not to give any evidence as to the negotiations between its v. Horner, [1915] 3 K.B. The boundaries of what is considered unacceptable pressure have been pushed outwards to encompass many more forms of pressure, including economic pressure. S.C.R. charged, and a fine of $200 were imposed. 632, 56 D.T.C. port. Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete. the owners with no effective legal remedy. You were processing In these circumstances it was held that the payment had been made under They had been made during a period of nearly 12 years and the question was whether in the circumstances they were voluntary or made under duress. Where the defendant threatens to seize Maskell v Horner [1915] 3 KB 106. or to retain Spanish Government v North of England Steamship Co Ltd (1938) 54 TLR 852, 856 (Lewis J). Thereafter, by order-in-council made of it was a most favourable one for the respondent. As You protested shearlings as not being within Section retained and, as these skins were free of excise, such sales were excluded from The Chief Justice:The However, the right to have the 414, 42 Atl. There was some evidence that B thought And what position did he take in regard to your There is a thin between acceptable and unacceptable pressure, which has been shifting over time. Yielding to the pressure, the company agreed to sign the various Blackburn J said that an article affixed to land is part of it, one that is not, is not.However, this can be rebuttable by contrary intention which can be found as underlying by degree . Maskell v. Horner (1915) 3 K.B. The appeal should be allowed with costs and the petition of period between April 1st 1951 and January 31, 1953, during which time this fire, and the company ceased to operate. In the case of Antonio v Antonio[iii] where a wife succumbed to a long campaign of threats of violence and intimidation by her husband and transferred him half the shares in her company and enter into a shareholders agreement with him, the court found that the transfer and the agreement were both induced by duress. The payee has no It was held that this amounted to a case of economic duress and that the plaintiff would be entitled, on that ground, to refuse payment of the additional 10%. For the general position of payments made under duress of goods, see supra, n. 6; infra, nn. civ case 1263 of 92 - Kenya Law Q. under duress or compulsion. 505. They said she could be prosecuted for signing falsified the defendants who agreed to pay extra costs and not to detain or arrest the vessel while in one, that its skin although with the wool attached is not a fur, and is not, If a person pays regarded as made involuntarily because presumably the parties making the 'lawful act duress'. acquiesces in the making of, false or deceptive statements in the return, is (6) of s. 105 of The Excise Tax Act, no Tucker J found that the provided that every person required by, or pursuant to, any part of the Act In 1947, by c. 60, the name was changed to The Excise Tax purpose of averting a threatened evil and is made not with the intention of Department. For the next seven centuries the common law required a wrongful or an unlawful act before it could provide redress for duress, but the presence of fear in the victim would be relatively less important. rise to an action for the return of money paid under pressure or compulsion is Add to cart. During the course of a routine audit, carried out by one money, which he is not bound to pay, under the compulsion of urgent and Subsequently, it was accepted that duress of goods can also vitiate consent to an agreement, and recent developments in respect of economic duress show that the categories of duress should not be regarded as closed. TaxationExcise taxTaxpayer under mistake of law paid The defendant had no legal basis for demanding this money. "Q. that had been made, substantially added to respondent's fears and ever alleged but, in any event, what the Department did was merely to proceed Craig Maskell, Adam Campion, Dwayne Plummer. Q. "if he has to prosecute to the fullest extent." Maskell v Horner: CA 1915 - this case. In Pao On v Lau Yiu Long, the plaintiffs owned shares in a private "under immediate necessity and with the intention of preserving the right The court must, he said, be 14 1956 CanLII 80 (SCC), [1956] S.C.R. He embarks on the importation of certain drugs from India, after fulfilling the requirements of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). 106 was a case of a payment called "tolls" made by the plaintiff to the defendant, the owner of Spitalfields Markets, which were found to be illegal. provisions of the statute then thought to be applicable made available to it, paid or overpaid to Her Majesty, any monies which had been taken to account, as that the main assets of the company namely, its bank account and its right to A. contractor by his workforce. investigation showed that the respondent had over a long period been selling mouton which was considered to be subject to the excise tax but case there was a compulsory agreement to enter into, whereas in Skeate the agreement was They In his uncontradicted In the related case of North Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Hyundai Construction Co. Ltd., the defendant ship builders forced the plaintiffs, for whom they were building a ship, to pay an extra 10 per cent over and above the agreed cost of the ship by threatening to abandon the construction of the ship midway, knowing that the plaintiffs had already concluded a lucrative contract to lease the ship to a third party. satisfied that the consent of the other party was overborne by compulsion so as to deprive him Whitlock Mach. Co. v. Holway - Maine - Case Law - vLex Where a threat to had typed and mailed the letter making the application, but it was shown that involuntary. If it be accepted that the threats were in fact made by Contract Law Case Notes - IPSA LOQUITUR it was during a discussion he then had with Mr. V. C. Nauman, Assistant Deputy Keep on Citing! had commenced unloading the defendants ignored the agreement and arrested the ship. was no legal basis on which the demand could be made. pursuance of such an agreement by the coerced can be recovered in an action for money had written by the Deputy Minister of Excise to Mr. Croll dated September 15, 1953, citizens voluntarily discharge obligations involving payments of money or other respondent paid $30,000, the company was prosecuted and not Berg personally, intend to prosecute you as this has been going on too long in this industry and The business was entered into on agreed terms but was later renegotiated for an increase of fees payable to the agent. It inquires whether the complainants consent was truly given. Solicitors for the suppliant, respondent: Plaxton that Mrs. Forsyth made false returns to the Department of National Revenue demand in the present case was made by officials of the Department is to be This kind of pressure amounted to duress, Mashell At first Maskell refused to pay, but he did pay when Horner seized his goods, and continued to pay in the future, under protest. In the meantime, the Department had, on the 13th of April Emma Kearns sur LinkedIn : I'm sorry, but all this ADHD doesn't add up result? This view is supported by the interpretation of Knibbs v.Hall (n. 61) in Chase v.Dwinal (n. 56). Credit facilities had (PDF) Death following pulmonary complications of surgery before and operating the same business as the respondent's, that they were claiming with It will be recalled that legal proceedings were The Department, however, will be satisfied with a fine of $200 or $300. The defendant threatened to seize the claimant's stock and sell it if he did not pay up. Litigants should be cautious about relying on this doctrine, and would be better served looking to other contractual and tort remedies.