jehovah's witnesses armageddon 2034

Let us consider each of these in turn. After 15 years of dwindling committment levels in first world countries (where the donations come from), I firmly believe the WT leadership is aware of the problem. They were not the first group to resist mandatory recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, but their resistance was the most widespread, coordinated, and uncompromising. There were disputes among the governing body about how far they should push the 1975 thing. The imperative mood indicates a command, the singular/masculine form suggests the directive was initially to Timothy, the present tense reflects an action in which the young evangelist was to be currently engaged, and the middle voice carries the personal responsibility to turn yourself away from these things. Your donation gift(s) are very much appreciated and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. This is not the first time the Jehovah's Witnesses church has been accused of sexual abuse. Who decides who is an anointed one in the Jehovah's Witness - Quora In my opinion, there are 2 ways they can go: 1 - Mainstream - drop shunning, make blood conscious matter, focus less on field service and more on community projects (sort of like the LDS), turn Bethel into the JW version of BYU, push getting a good education instead of vilifying college, etc. 1993 March 22 pp.3-4 Why So Many False Alarms? In this article, we discuss what Armageddon is, what events will lead up to it, and how we can remain faithful as the end draws near. For one thing, among Witnesses, the generation idea had a lot more credibility than the 1975 chronology. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. So, can it now be reasoned that there is at least some indication that the presence of Jesus Christ can now be numbered at 120 years based upon the record of the history of Noah (or the days of Noah) in Genesis, making the end now to appear to come in 2034? . *** Watchtower 1981 February 15 p.19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? 4 Why did Jehovah connect the final great war with Megiddo? How many religions have voluntarily "ceased operations/closed for business"? The second text to which our friends appeal in support of their imminent Armageddon theory is found in Pauls second epistle to Timothy. Why Russia is afraid of Jehovah's Witnesses - The Conversation Jehovah's Witnesses endured intense persecution under the Nazi regime. Therefore, these revisions and changes are themselves fully theocratic, so they do not alter in any way the fully theocratic structure of the organization. Armageddon Predictions by Jehovah's Witnesses 7:14) How will we know when that tribulation is about to begin? Jehovah's Witnesses Slave Theodore Jaracz announces the Armageddon for 2034 77:12) These activities, along with a full share in the ministry, will keep our faith strong and our hope alive! There is little surprise that the movement frequently has been dubbed a non-prophet enterprise. A financial crisis (hundreds of millions in just U.S., Can, and U.K. alone) could precipitate this shrinkage in an organization already pressed for funds. And it will save mankind by protecting our planet from ruin. These ones. 71 PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Dramatic events occur around us. 1975 came and went and the governing body had to deal with the fallout for the coming 5 years until things started to pick up again. You know how to tell when summer is near. Then there was that Watchtower a while back that many apostates interpreted as pointing to 2034 implicitly. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . -2 Thess. Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah.' But what happens when an elder's reasoning is confronted with . Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY - JW.ORG While I'm not sure they'll make the same mistake they made before, but I would be willing to put some money on it. It's obvious to me that leadership needs to fire up the members in some way. (a)Why is Armageddon good news for mankind? 2048 BCE-2034: Restrictive Banding: Iron: Under Strongest Divine Ban (Jude1:6) Future World Judgment: . 16 Whether we have been in the truth for many years or not, to be saved at Armageddon, we must show that we know God and that we obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. (2Thess. Just google Armageddon 2034. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate (but admittedly not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000 years of man's existence on earth. What is the scarlet-colored wild beast, and how is it involved in the outworking of Gods will concerning Babylon the Great? (Rev. The contextual wording has it emphasis not in the length (period) of time people where involved in this behavior, but in that this behavior caused them to miss the sudden event. As the Bible states, These persons are SELECTED by Jehovah. They can either come out with the date soon in the hope of short-term gains - or they can keep it under their hat until the mid-2020s. You know how they expected the end of the world in 1843/4? That war will save mankind by removing the wicked and preserving the righteous. Jehovah's Witnesses with 1.3 million members in the U.S. who hand out brochures on sidewalks and subway platforms and ring doorbells are one of the most visible religious groups in the . 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them Have Jehovah?s Witnesses and the ?Faithful and Discrete Slave? All rights reserved. If an organization is to be fully theocratic, it must be directed and controlled altogether by God and by the forces he operates. And all that without upsetting the majority of its members. Seriously based on the 'overlap' generations definition Armageddon has been pushed back to 2154! Jehovah has allowed the nations time to experiment with all different forms of government. Five years later, Poul and his wife stopped associating with the Witnesses, which in 1964 resulted in his being interrogated by their Elders and then ostracised from the . 21 And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" U.N. Whores! 10. Seriously based on the 'overlap' generations definition Armageddon has been pushed back to 2154! (Read Ezekiel 38:2, 8,9.) The Watchtower recognizes the truth as belonging to Jehovah, and not to any creature. ARMAGEDDON IS COMING! | Elder VS Inactive Jehovah's Witness The word Armageddon appears just once in the Scriptures, and it comes from a Hebrew term that means Mountain of Megiddo. (Rev. Jehovah's Witness 'ordered to renounce faith and join Russian army' Europe. *** Awake! Out of zeal and enthusiasm for the vindication of Jehovah's name, Word and purposes, and the desire for the new system, some of his servants have at times been premature in their expectations. 1:7-9) We know God when we know his likes, dislikes, and standards. 3. 19:11, 14,15) But what about Jehovahs chief enemy, Satan, whose lying propaganda led the nations to Armageddon? I do agree the GB is probably "scrambling" to find a "solution" but they face the dilema of authority loss if human error is admitted and reform is entertained. In fact, they are known throughout the world as Jehovah's Witnesses. (Jas. She suggested it would come in 1999. Moreover, the need to revise our understanding somewhat does not make us false prophets or change the fact that we are living in "the last days," soon to experience the "great tribulation" that will pave the way for the earthly Paradise. Certainly, I am not going to assign any meaning to this at all except to take the clear warning not to be like the people in the days of Noah and Lot and miss the signs leading up to the event that faced them. Jehovah's Witnesses Face the Challenge of the Coronavirus Outbreak I'll bring the organization into the promised land, oh yeah! Should we use these accounts in Matthew and Luke to indicate an extended period of time of the presence of Jesus Christ? 8:3) How so? Here is our best guess at this point in timeblah blah blah." So I'd like to answer some of the a accusations that questions about Jehovah's witnesses always seems to bring. Or those determined to fight a "war on terror". Choose your side, Slimboyfat, choose your side. 11:16; 12:41-42; 23:36). The Watchtower, December 15, 2003, Pages 14 - 19, Please be patient while the web page loads page scans of the Watchtower article. How foolish to take the view that expectations needing some adjustment should call into question the whole body of truth! Eventually the governing body will stomach the idea of promoting 2034 as the possible date for the end (120 years from 1914 - 'just as the days of Noah will the days of the son of man be.'). THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION September2019, Audio download options Failed date predictions of Jehovah's Witnesses - JWfacts Yes, they have. 20:17, 22,23) And he may use his angels to slay the wicked. 13. (Hebrews 11:7) What about us? (Rev. Initially, Russell felt that the battle of Armageddon started in 1874, based on his understanding that this was a social upheaval. But we display our faith in God's Word and its sure promises by declaring its message to others. Pin On Jehovah S Witnesses On The Move . 10 The judgment on the great prostitute. (Read Revelation 17:1,6; 18:24.) 6. Only when new appointments are made to the governing body of people who have a reasonable chance of making it to 2034 will this idea get off the ground. Well, I'll be, let's see74 then. They were guilty of false prophesying. What will Jehovah not allow the nations to do, and why not? One wild card in this time table is whether or not the abuse lawsuits succeed in stripping the new mirror corp.'s of their assets in the coming years. Second, the area around Megiddo is far too small to hold the kings of the entire inhabited earth and their armies and war machines. Like clouds covering the land, he will attack Jehovahs people. It behooves all who love righteousness to put forth every effort to advertise THE THEOCRACY while the privileges are still open" ( The Informant, May . Jehovah's Witnesses was founded in 1879 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916). Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. A quarter of a century ago I filed a copy of the Watchtower magazine (published and distributed by the "Jehovah's Witnesses"). ***, Jehovah's Witnesses , in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Can I get a witness, a vote, a bundle of cash like a thieving theologian? That's the beauty of religion and superstition, it has no limits. There may be some infighting about this as there was in Franz' day, but some new 'prophet' will need to come forward from among them! Do Jehovah?s Witnesses claim to be a prophet of Jehovah? Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. It suggests that someone in the writing department (perhaps a younger Nethinim hopeful, waiting for the governing body to be opened to the great crowd) has perhaps given passing thought to the possibility of a 120 tie in with 1914 to 2034. (b)According to Ezekiel 38:2, 8, 9, what will bring Gog to the symbolic place called Armageddon? This apparently mirrored the mood of reform within the Catholic Church at the time. A plane carrying five Jehovah's Witness ministers crashed Saturday, killing all aboard, officials said. 1879 was the start of The Watchtower and 1999 was 120 years later. Sure, you'd lose some members but I would bet you'd keep more born-ins who view JWism as just another religion. If you truly want to be rid of them, you will need to answer the door and let them know. 1986 June 8 p.9 "Would That All Were Prophets!" Eventually the governing body will stomach the idea of promoting 2034 as the possible date for the end (120 years from 1914 - 'just as the days of Noah will the days of the son of man be'). Other Jehovah's Witnesses presidents included Nathan H. Knorr (1942-1977), Fredrick W. Franz (1977-1992), and Milton G. Henschel (1992-2000). Jesus will hurl him and his demons into an abyss, where they will be locked away for a thousand years.Rev. (The Messenger, Sept. 1940, p. 6), 1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end" to the world, even announcing a specific date. A subsequent feature article by the same name followed (pp. latest 1. Jehovah's Witnesses: Witnessing to the Witnesses | ***15 Yes, Jehovah's people have had to revise expectations from time to time. (Josh. Har-Magedon, or Armageddon, means the "mountain of the assembly of troops", and it refers in a symbolic way to the capital organization of Zion where Jehovah God has enthroned Christ Jesus as earth's rightful ruler. To suggest that this text has a primary prophetic focus in modern times reflects a gross distortion of this passage. 2023 Fortify Your Faith Foundation. It will serve as a signal announcing the great tribulation. 4. Time will tell. In fact they go so far as to say that unless one calls on the true name of God, "Jehovah," one cannot be saved. 11. "for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.". Armageddon in 2022? : r/exjw - reddit kls. The prospect of dying at Armageddon is a terrible thing for a Jehovahs Witness because they are taught that . obviously its not a real talk but has anyone heard of this? 9:26) (Aid to Bible Understanding, Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Society, 1971, p. 642). Scans of the english article were posted here a while back. Amber Scorah writes about exiting the Jehovah's Witnesses in Leaving the Witness. Jehovah's Witnesses' Rules - avoid 1. You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets , or witnesses for God. 17:3,16) That swift destructionas if in one daywill come as a shock to those who supported her. 5:19-21. Many others have . There are a couple f groups who believe in 2034. In what way will Christs anointed brothers be able to return the kindness shown them? 3. 11 Jehovah will destroy the great prostitute by means of the ten horns of a scarlet-colored wild beast. That figurative wild beast represents the United Nations. Have you meditated on how you will respond? Charles Taze Russell formed the Jehovah's Witnesses. The mental health of Jehovah's Witnesses - PubMed This does not signify that the faithful remnant or society of Jehovah?s anointed witnesses are an earthly tribunal of interpretation, delegated to interpret the Scriptures and its prophecies. Welcome This website was founded by dedicated, baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Can we be intellectually honest in using this account in Matthew 24: 37-39 to say that it is referring to a period of time rather than an event? Final Prophecy Cycle Timeline Images; . Either you are "over-eagar" OR you are "spiritually asleep.". In December, the 2021 Governing Body Update #10 announced that 25,658 Jehovahs Witnesses have died due to Covid 19. (Acts 15:16, 17; Rev. But is it not preferrable to make some mistakes because of 'over-eagerness' to see God's purposes accomplished then to be spiritually asleep as to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy . 2034 may be the next 1975, because it will be 120 years since 1914, in the book of Genesis, Jehovah shortens man's life to 120 years. As we have seen in recent years, subtlety isn't working; they've gone bat-crap crazy in their bluntness. But this lie will be especially dangerous because it will give people a false sense of security just before the greatest tribulation in human history begins. Armageddon Is Good News! They say the term "God," is merely a title, and that the real name for God is "Jehovah.". I am just setting out one of the possibilities. The glorious reign of Christ that shall bring blessings to the world will immediately follow. How may Jehovah defeat his enemies at Armageddon? Because that will be 120 years from when the Watchtower was first published. It will NEVER come. By Pudgy, August 12, 2021. armageddon. See also our book: {glossSub (Courier Publications,Revelation Jesus Christs Final Message of Hope; Select Studies from the Apocalypse)}. The evidence is clear that Jehovah has used and is continuing to use his one organization, with "the faithful and discreet slave" taking the lead. It's amazing that other Christians will mock us for this scriptural belief but at the same time tell . Had not the society stated it in certain terms (unlike the 1975 date on which they were wishy washy)? (December 15, 1896, page 306) The Watchtower has also said that the fact that some have Jehovah's spirit "does not mean those now serving as Jehovah's witnesses are inspired. From what I've read in the forum, the doctrine change has been a fairly stealthy one and hasn't fully registered in the consciousness of the rank and file (especially with the WTS still shouting the "end is near! 20 Think how thrilled you will be when Babylon the Great is gone and when Armageddon is over! Questions From Readers Second Peter 3:10 says: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered.". The apostle writes: But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. armageddon in 2034????? yeh right - Jehovah's Witness 2 The Bible shows that the war of Armageddon will save mankind by ending human rule. *** w84 12/1 p. 18 Keep Ready! In Matthew 24:5ff, Christ set forth a number of signs that would herald the impending destruction of Jerusalem. Growth slowed substantially in the 1960s and the board of directors panicked. *** Watchtower 1943 July 1 pp. Do Jehovah?s Witnesses claim that Jehovah God speaks through them? Before the war of Armageddon begins, all of the 144,000 will have been raised to heaven as immortal spirits. Period. what if jehovah's witnesses are right about armageddon? (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah's will with a keen sense of urgency.". God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. . 2, p. 98-99, 1889), 1908 "In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A. D. Why did things start to pick up again in the 1980s? Jehovah's Witnesses(2034-The New Year for Armageddon) - YouTube This is why many Witnesses went into the 1980s and early 1990s with great confidence. At that very moment the 'generation' that will see Armageddon is born Dec 31, 2034 at 11:59 and lives another 120 years thusly it is 'logical evidence' that Armageddon shall commence in 2154. Back in the 1960s there was, seemingly, a brief period of relaxation in authoritarianism among Jehovah's Witnesses. 2:26, 27; 7:9,10) Yes, what a privilege the great crowd will have had to support Jehovahs anointed servants while these were still on earth! some new 'prophet' will need to come forward from among them! He may use any number of ways. But is it not far preferable to make some mistakes because of overeagerness to see God's purposes accomplished than to be spiritually asleep as to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? I doubt they'll come out with a specific date in the near future. How thankful we should be for the provision God has made of this slave class, the modern spiritual remnant, as they faithfully dispense the revealed truths of Jehovah ! Tweet. 6:33; 24:14) It also includes supporting Christs anointed brothers as they care for their weighty responsibilities.Matt. This way they can simply say that we "read to much" into the explanation given. Interrupt them. With a prediction like that, would you mind us adding you to this list of hallowed prophesiers? Lawrence, once one of America's great. There you have two lines of evidence that support the same conclusion. Publication download options A quarter of a century ago I filed a copy of the Watchtower magazine (published and distributed by the Jehovahs Witnesses). There may be some infighting about this as there was in Franz' day, but some new 'prophet' will need to come forward from among them! 16:5-7; 19:1, 2. friends. To receive everlasting life in the earthly we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. 3. 8 That will be the foretold proclamation of "peace and security." Why will world leaders say that? ^ par. What was missing? Megiddo was a city in ancient Israel. *** Watchtower 1972 August 1 p.458 Loving Oversight of the Congregation of God ***, THEOCRATIC APPOINTMENT IN THE CONGREGATION. Jehovah's Witnesses and Armageddon | I do not agree with those who overinterpreted that Watchtower as meaning a bit more than perhaps it did. The WBTS continued through the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, to warn that Armageddon was coming near. ;-). (Rev. (Isa. Their strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust in Jehovah and his heavenly armies.Isa. 32:8) We will trust in Jehovah our Goda stand that will seem foolish to the nations. Had not God's organisation been teaching about the 'generation' for decades? No; Christ Jesus the King has not entrusted that office to them. It is Gods spirit that bears witness with that persons spirit that anoints them with the heavenly hope. "it was clearly suggested"? They proudly bear his name, and they have obeyed his command to flee from Babylon the Great. My concern is that placing the emphasis of the discussion on the days of Noah might give some the false impression that the Bibles reference to the days of Noah would be similar, if not identical, to the History of Noah (Genesis 6:9) Because, immediately prior to the reference to the History of Noah we have the statement in Genesis 6:3: After that Jehovah said: My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Witness leaders nowadays do not have the luxury of an 'open the window' period of reform, although there have been some small moves in that dirrection. They will make her devastated and naked by plundering her wealth and exposing her wickedness. Alas, such appears not to be in the foreseeable future. 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia This calculation is based in the year 1914 as the begining of the last days plus the. They'll work their way up to it over the next couple decades, you'll see. Jehovah's Witnesses - latest news, breaking stories and comment - The The common-sense rules of responsible exegesis are thrust aside with reckless abandon. beliefs. No man?s opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. That great historical event took place in the year 1914, conclusive proof concerning this having already appeared in the . ", ok, so here is MY gripe. (Rev. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century."