Perhaps one should look at what you are offering as compared to other options. This brings the total up to $4,044,820.60 which is comfortably within the four-to-five-million-dollar range to not have to come back to rehash these later. He had started middle school academies and was a managerial leader. If this were a sane time, she would not be alone in that reasonableness. 2016 Agendas. As the first appointed superintendent he would have been able to shake things up more than he has. Therefore, it was the committees recommendation for the students to attend Anderson Middle School and Jensen Beach High School. He also would do any investigations of any member of her union on disciplinary matters. I began attending Martin County Board of County Commissioner meetings, as well as Martin County School Board meetings. The presentations that were part of the agenda package is here. I doubt if the staff would have done anything if it werent for those that are elected. By doing just what staff did! The board agreed with the policies and so the end of COVID restrictions for the schools are in sight. There are no easy answers. To see the budget presentation and handouts please gohere. Comments are limited to three minutes and board members will listen but not address the comments shared during the meeting. And we want core curriculum and that's what I ran on. No school board member wants to look at a parent or another member of the community if something goes wrong and say we should have put more money into guarding the children. They knew the incendiary nature of the N word. Making a Difference EverydayDigital Marketing, 2023 Friends & Neighbors of Martin County,, Dr. Millay will recommend the Professional Development Day that was scheduled for February 6 be rescheduled to, Dr. Millay will recommend that the professional development that would have taken place during the early release days on March 28 and May 3 be rescheduled to, Universal pre-school and more early learning. They are funds from the federal government to supposedly help pull us through COVID. Marsha Powers and Mike DiTerlizzi were sworn in for their new four-year terms after running unopposed in the recent election. How long should that take? Too much a creature of the academic system to effectuate the change that some board members, school employees, and parents want. For personnel expenses (additional instructional or support staff), employees must work first before payment, so those type expenses truly stretch over a scheduled time period. Though active in Moms for Liberty, Amy had no help from anyone but a few supporters. Carter Morrison was concerned that they would need more people on his staff. This is another contentious subject. The school board was under a legal constraint and could not discuss the incident. But the calendar is becoming tight, and they will need to make sure that there is time to have it appear on the ballot. Lori Alhadeff. He went on to say that sex education and other things should not be shoved down anyones throat. You can find the superintendents and school boards assessmentshere, Ms. Roberts put together a book of operating guidelines for the board. Millay was not on the short list because he did not fulfill the qualifications that the school board stated they wanted in the candidates. Sophie was at the meeting with her dad to tell her story. There is something called the Roll Back Rate which could mean the amount people pay goes up even with the rate going down. Prior to Assistant Superintendent of Finance Morrisons tenure, they did not track Roll Forward funding. Chair Powers questioned whether a program is necessary. I am a mom and former assistant school administrator who cares deeply about our education system. It seems it is much more probable that a kid will be injured walking to school than being hurt by a gas leak. For those who didnt want to see the proclamation passed, you need to accept that the board agrees with you. One thing is for sure is that the Board now has total responsibility for what happens. I was wrong as were so many others. Dr. Millay also gave his own evaluationnot much introspection. From the other perspective, many districts were attempting to stretch the funds over the two-year period, so it wasnt surprising that only 25% of funds had been expended when only 25% of the designated time (6 months of the two years) had passed. "There is such a thing, but that's at a higher level graduate law.". Board Member Amy Pritchett brought this to the surface. My name is Jennifer Russell and I am running for Martin County School Board. It also seemed that the Risk Management & Safety Department should probably be transferred to under finance if this occurs. As I wrote above, both Palm City and Jensen Beach are being built to accommodate students and teachers for several hours a day when school is in session. Some of this money was gathered back for reallocation effectively punching holes in crafted plans. How many vulnerable girls ended up sending him photos for money? She had been taken by surprise regarding not only the resolution but that it had been used as an alternative to her proclamation. That is why when you want to know where the substantive portion of the agenda is look at Section 18. Things like raises and bonuses consume very little meeting time. For those in middle school, who have taken high school classes, the grade will be converted to a 5-point scale. That particular brand is not what the school district is selling. BLM was an outgrowth of not an anti-police sentiment but rather a perception by a few in law enforcement that their actions did not have the same consequences for blacks as whites in situations. She also received $1,000 from Vero Beach podcaster Dennis Lynch. There is a large and growing number of students from Latin America. To see all the rates and scenarios gohere. The internal auditor position has been vacant for a couple of years now. There was no discussion about that. They are not. We already have numerous institutions like the Elliott that, in some ways, is a hidden gem. I am sure if I wanted an explanation of what it all means, I could have it because the district does provide almost any information that is asked of it. Roberts was a good chair, and, in my opinion, she was the reason the sales tax referendum passed. This is not a matter for the board. The officers job will be to man the front door and greet visitors. Neither George nor Spellman were given a copy of the draft prior to execution. Unofficial election results in the nonpartisan races show Pritchett garnered a winning 50.48% of ballots cast over Anderson, who received 49.52% of the vote. And I was a bit taken aback that the rest of the community did not come out and speak about this. Again, no transportation is provided. This video was made when she had won the state contest and now, she has won nationally. "I want to continue to try and bring some civility and a common-sense approach to these contentious times, because I don't think we're done yet," he said. Board Of Education. They also voted to keep the recommendations of the committee for school re-districting. Volunteers and visitors will be allowed back in the schools. When security is considered, the only possible available site would be on the headquarters site on Federal Highway. "I'm teaching, and I can tell you that we don't do critical race theory," he said. It would only invite more public comment that has nothing to do with the business of the district. It appears that we still have the scourge of demon rum in some school board members minds. SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET MEETING JULY 27, 2021: There is always some politicking going on from every dais. Dr. Millay is pushing Sniffen and Spellman to be the firm. He urged the board to set aside the fear and rhetoric. The support she thought she had from other board members evaporated once oppositional emails began flooding in. That may solve the affordability crisis for 24 new teachers. School Board meetings can be excruciatingly boring. Students will return to school onWednesday, January 4, 2023. Position. Ms. Martin County School District has initiated its own COVID-19 website that tracks cases in the schools. Carter Morrison becomes assistant superintendent of finance while Dr. Tracy Miller becomes assistant superintendent of academics. I would think that Mr. DiTerlizzi should take that spotalthough he has attended many meetings by telephone since Covid. It seems by doing so the district followed through on the boards wishes to cut costs. And if not, then their parents have been completely amiss in raising those kids. There have been a variety of funding programs (like CARES, GEERS, ESSER, ESSER II) that K-12 public school districts have been able to utilize to address the unexpected costs and consequences of the global pandemic. He had taught college courses on education and was a mentor to other district superintendents. However, given a drop in enrollment, does the district even need two new schools? The plan requires coaches and experts to help the teachers teach. It was never brought up in a collective bargaining session nor does he remember it being presented in an executive session with the board. Governor DeSantis is also looking to more choice in education. Naturally, no one was in support including Commissioner Ciampi who is the supposed champion of affordable housing. Russell received $1,000 donations from a handful of political action committees, some associated with the Republican Party: Friends of Ron DeSantis, Best By Kids, John Snyder for Florida and Heavens to Oceans, which is associated with state Rep. Toby Overdorf. This is real competition for the district and the only school board member that sees it clearly is Christia LI Roberts. Expect to see even more in the years ahead. Currently, the elected Superintendent functions as a co-equal. It passed 5-0. Today, different Florida districts are using a scale of 5, 6, or 7 and weighting the averages. Roberts said no tax dollars would be used. To read more gohere. The Board decided it was best to bring back the presentation later for more discussion. During public comment, someone said that she had heard students were not standing for the pledge. Millay reaching out shows that he too understands this not only as an educator but also as a parent of three. I have not been in favor of this plan and have constantly written about why. For the last four years, the school board has been scrupulous in keeping the spending to the categories outlined in the last referendum. If teachers or anyone else feels they can make more money by changing jobs, they should. They held a brief discussion about trying to find out what has been accomplished since the last joint meeting regarding this. I would love to see it. Under the old system of an elected superintendent, the district had a legal staff, and the board had an attorney. The taxes collected under this local required effort is then sent to Tallahassee for funding education throughout the state. Again, it was promised to be posted to the district website by the board chair. DiTerlizzi also expressed his doubts. Russell being elected vice-chair was a bit unusual. Otherwise, our country will fall apart. Apparently, it is so confusing that Florida universities and colleges do not bother to even look at those scores and rebuild the average some other way when considering candidates for admittance. But this is Florida in the time of unreasonableness, and it is quite apparent how limited the power of local government really is. Two incongruous ideas followedthe district expects a 3% decline in student population next year and David L. Anderson Middle School could be the 4thhigh school in the district. It was also time to pick the chair and vice chair for another year. That is the nature of development. I believe throughprimarily the private sector using adequatetax credits and vouchers this can be accomplished. The CRT bill, Parental Rights (aka Dont Say Gay) and the beginning of 12-year term limits for school board members were discussed along with more specific legislation. Millay is scheduled to be sworn in on Nov. 17 and will replace the current superintendent, Laurie Gaylord, who is retiring after serving eight years. But does the district need to have separate policies for those students? I am thankful and humbled by the work of our staff and the compilation and presentation by our Chief Financial Officer Carter Morrison. The board was also being asked whether to suspend a custodian without pay because she was not performing her job. Eight years of being on the firing line is a long time. While necessary it was not anything that would warrant any interest. I think the union could build an excellent 100-unit building for its members. Most of it will go to salaries but also toward security personnel including a new category of employee known as a security officer. It was nice to know that Millay may not agree with everything they do but is willing to exchange ideas. The superintendent answering to the board will place the five school board members firmly in charge. She successfully campaigned with the message "every parent has the right to make education and health decisions for their children," and lauded academic excellence, student empowerment, parent collaboration and stakeholder engagement. I am not always in agreement with Governor DeSantis, but I am on this. There was a proposed MOU sent by MCEA to the districts negotiation team on May 25th. Those who are early learning professionals, let us know about your thoughts, experiences, and ideas. This is the disclaimer text. It should not be this hard for lay people to understand what the school district is proposing and doing. She is a lone voice for facts that the other board members do not want to hear. All rights reserved. As time goes on, I believe we will see more and more parents choose different options. The motion passed 5-0. Email the Board. I dont even want to discuss whether she should or should not receive pay pending the termination hearing. Should she be disqualified because of it? quarantined by DOH must remain home and access online assignments by signing into ClassLink. What about the other three elected members? As a point of reference, CRT has never been part of any Florida curriculum. Board Member Roberts has agreed to do just that. Students were not going to leave their existing classes and schools. Unfortunately, the latter part of the meeting received the headlines. 2017 Minutes. Victoria Defenthaler has served one term on the school board. Some excel and take advantage of all that is offered. It is up to the superintendent to carry out their policy within existing law. One of the teachers claimed she was making less now than she was 13 years ago in another district. I credit them for helping me develop the skills and confidence that have allowed me to be successful thus far in life, and most importantly, they are the foundation of our wonderful community. I remember reading the book in my Catholic high school. Victoria Defenthaler continues to want the county health officials and Cleveland clinic to address the board. I know I work for the people and I will work hard.. As with any self-insured program, what could be problematic is the demographics of the employees. The budget for a school district is not easy to get a handle on. That would bring brand new housing within the urban core at affordable rates. This will allow more kids to come out of high school with certification that they are ready to enter the work force. Website : School Board Latest News From The Feb 26, 2023 Edition SCHOOL BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 2023 Dr. John Millay, Martin County's first appointed superintendent, surprised the board, staff, and citizens by resigning effective June 30 th. If a candidate did not provide the statement in time to be included, then if their statement comes later, we will publish it as a letter. Staff seemed to be saying that the 3% dip would be temporary. There are no plans for that in the next school year either. I came away from this meeting confused. With what these kids watch on TV and play on video games, this is tamed stuff. It is updated daily. The district cannot teach anything that is against state guidelines. Her report was primarily one detailing what the district has accomplished since she became superintendent in 2012. The district may require assigned seating in other settings such as cafeterias. I humbly ask for your vote for Martin County School Board District 3. If there is a shortage of housing, then apartments that are below luxury standards command luxury prices. Will the students, taxpayers, and business owners get increased value? an excellent communicator someone who speaks clearly and concisely. I focused my campaign around three commitments Receptive (believing in the value of your thoughts and ideas); Reasonable (with the ability and experience to look at all sides of the issues), Responsible (with no agenda other than to represent you). Any other increase is due to assessed values rising. Licata is a regional superintendent in Palm Beach County with 59 schools and 65,000 students. Anderson/s campaign was partly self-funded with a $2,000 loan to himself. The large claims, those over $150,000, are 266% higher. Another item under discussion is the combining and outsourcing of legal services including labor negotiations. At the same time, the district is now saying the gap in pay between counties is down to $6 million. The bonds will be paid off at the end of the special sales tax period in 2025. In the past 10 years, Port Salerno Elementary went from 59% Hispanic to 79% Hispanic. The original pay gap that Martin County School District had was $9 million. Pritchett's platform mirrors national conservative talking points, including opposition to COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates, critical race theory and gender- and sex-based materialsin classrooms. Equilibrium happens when there is enough supply to meet demand in every tier. I hope there is something more going on behind the scenes. When Superintendent Millay was asked about it later in the meeting, he gave an explanation that one of the library lesson modules that students can access was about race relations. The Board also went over the proposed contract language. The resolution mentioned in some detail the steps the district has taken in furthering anti-bullying and promoting acceptance of all. Sometimes, you must know when you won and accept victory. Roberts also came up with an Option 7. Parents should have choices about where and, to some extent, how their children are educated. That means as circumstances change the percentage could be lower but never above a mill. After consulting with our bargaining units leaders and in collaboration with our School Board, our school calendar will be revised to reflect instructional makeup days that do not interfere with the valued holiday plans many of our families and employees have made.. In the January 24thNewsletter, I reported on a proposed pre-k training program for students to obtain jobs at Jensen Beach High. We supposedly have home rule in our constitution. It was obvious to me that this was going nowhere, and it should have been to her. Defenthalers focus on one set of problems could be detrimental to all other kids problems. Anderson then said that he would be good at being chair. SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET MEETING JANUARY 25, 2022: CFO Carter Morrison presented the board with very early numbers regarding next years budget. Armed officers are in the halls. Tony Anderson nominated and made the motion for Powers. The board has taken the position that it is all or nothing. Both were in Europe serving as ambassadors at the time. She was an economist at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis beforereturningto Martin Countyin 2019. That afternoon he was forceful and correct in what he said. This is counter to the purpose and mission of the schools. But there is also research that shows that students who are labeled under-achiever or socially awkward never have the chance to reinvent themselves when transitioning from school to school. It will be interesting if children from St. Lucie County take advantage of Martins A rated system. IF YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER DO SO FOR FREEHERE. Fletcher delved into the facility they are building in conjunction with the school district on Martin Luther King behind Stuart Middle School. I would be incredibly surprised if any obstacle found, including the site being a radioactive dump, would be serious enough to ward off the Arts Council. Knowing that fact in and of itself is only important because it then allows you to conceptualize why our nation evolved the way it did. I guess we will see. It appears they would be more willing to move school boundaries for the lower grades if they were doing so for high school. Now it is up to the voters. How will Jen do as a new school board member? The pool of occupants would be new teachers arriving in the district who cant find housing. This is not the final budget which should be coming within the next couple of weeks. Parents are homeschooling, choosing private and charter schools, and exercising their right to find the best education for their children. We are all part of the free market system. Confused yet? There has been a decline of 1000 students attending county schools. What is the timing of them? Anderson went on to say that he will get nasty and call me out by name, please do, it is Tom Campenni. Anderson and the other school board members are not going to challenge DeSantis authority regardless of their own personal beliefs. It does not appear that she believes that the larger community, with its political agendas, are her concern. In the boards discussions, they mention the problem of a premises being close to schools (only Palm City Elementary qualifies because of other zoning issues). I know nothing about Pritchett except that she speaks at school board and county commission meetings. The district will follow a voluntary mask policy as recommended by the Florida Department of Education in 2021/22 school year.
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